
8 Oct 2022, 16:32
“If I could offer you only one tip for the future, Ukemi would be it The long-term benefits of Ukemi have been proved by masters Whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable Than my own meandering experience, I will dispense this advice now…”
12 Sept 2022, 12:09
10 Sept 2022, 11:31
6 Sept 2022, 00:43
28 Aug 2022, 12:21

Seito no Kangae

Reflections on our first Saturday Keiko of 2023.
Looking at specific areas within the solo practice of Aikido which help to develop the Powerhouse (Legs and Core)
The practice of Aikido is one activity which offers the opportunity to re connect to patterns of movement which can restore and build lost strength mobility and flexibility lost through inactivity.
This article is not really about what this is or how to achieve it. What you'll find here is my opinion of Mushin, which is in summary, very positive.
From many years of Aikido Keiko both in the U.K.and Japan I have witnessed many Aikido gradings