Frequently Used Terms in Aikido

Onegai shimasu - Please (train with me)

Dojo – Place of the Way

Sensei - Teacher

Domo Arigato gozaimashita – Thank you for what you have just done

Dozo – Please (train)

Kohai - junior

Kiai – energy / shout

Hanmi - Stance

Senpai - senior

Uke – the receiver of the technique

Nage – the instigator of the technique

Shomen – Front (usually the picture of O Sensei in an Aikido Dojo)

Tatami – Mat


Migi kamae - right side

Hidari kamae - left side

Sankakutai - typical Aikido triangular stance

Ma-ai - Distance between the nage and uke.

Ai hammi - Both persons take migi kamae or hidari kamae at the same time

Gyaku hammi - reverse stance

Gedan - knee height (low)

Chudan - waist/chest height

Jodan - head height (high)


Shomenuchi - Frontal attack to top of head

Shomenu-tsuki - Frontal attack to eyes

Munetsuki - Frontal punch

Yokomenuchi - Frontal-angular attack to side of head/neck

Katate-dori - Wrist grab

Kata-dori - Shoulder grab

Katate-dori hantai / Kosa-dori - cross hand grab

Kubi-shime - Choke hold

Katate-dori Ryote-mochi - Two hands grab one hand

Ryote-dori - Grab both wrists

Ryokata-dori - Grab both shoulders

Randori - Multiple man attack

Hanmi Handachi-waza - Nage in sitting position and uke standing

Suwari-waza - Nage and uke perform techniques on knees

Jiyu-waza - Free Style

Jo-dori - Staff taking

Tanto-dori - Knife taking

Kumi-jo - Paired jo kata practice

Kumi-tachi - Paired bokken practice

Taijbutsu - Empty hand practice

Irimi - Direct entry

Tenkan - Indirect or outside entry. Body makes a complete turn around attack.

Atemi - Hand strikes

Jiyu-waza - Free style

Jo - Staff

Suburi - Sword/ bokuto practice

Shikko - Knee walking