
15 Jul 2022, 10:59
Mushin literally means mind, no mind or clear/empty mind.
15 Jul 2022, 10:56
Shoshin in English translates as the “beginner’s mind”, this concept is drawn from Zen philosophy and taken into Budo which is a Japanese term meaning "martial way" and refers to Aikido and other Martial Art disciplines whose ultimate goal is spiritual, ethical and self-improvement through training in there Martial Art.
12 Jul 2022, 11:19
9 Jul 2022, 10:26
5 Jul 2022, 14:30

Seito no Kangae

The way of showing respect and gratitude with the right attitude.
This is not an article about Kiai, though the experience it describes offered me a point of view on it that I had not considered before.
When we’re fortunate enough to work with a more experienced Aikidoka we have a great chance to learn.
After the bell rings and the vibration dissipates into the either we can enter a few moments of silence to illuminate our present condition in mind body and breath and raise the spirit for our practice of Aikido.
Over the years, on my journey I have encountered several people who’ve said that Aikido is ineffective as a martial art.