
4 Aug 2022, 11:50
Trust in Sensei and do as you are told.
2 Aug 2022, 10:52
28 Jul 2022, 16:43
The traditional Aikido training consists of Taijutsu (empty hand techniques) and Bukiwaza (weapon techniques).
26 Jul 2022, 08:11
25 Jul 2022, 11:49

Seito no Kangae

The way of showing respect and gratitude with the right attitude.
This is not an article about Kiai, though the experience it describes offered me a point of view on it that I had not considered before.
When we’re fortunate enough to work with a more experienced Aikidoka we have a great chance to learn.
After the bell rings and the vibration dissipates into the either we can enter a few moments of silence to illuminate our present condition in mind body and breath and raise the spirit for our practice of Aikido.
Over the years, on my journey I have encountered several people who’ve said that Aikido is ineffective as a martial art.